Sunday 17 February 2013

Week 8: BM -K1

Bacaan suku kata
a-ba,ca,da,fa,ga,ha,ja,ka,la,ma,na,pa,qa,ra,sa,ta,va,wa,ya dan za

WEEK 7 :K1 Arts & Crafts

The students of K1 are colouring the pictures of underwater scenery colourfully.

Appreciation for K1

Here is  the token of appreciation given by Ustaz Younus for K1 students for their participation
in the class during Science Lesson-Colours.
Ustaz Younus reward ribbons to the students.

WEEK 7: K1 Science

The topic for science last Friday was COLOURS.

Here are some oblects related with colours  provided for students to recognize and identify colours.

Ad -dham is colouring some pictures in his workbook
Shauqi is colouring too.
Aaron is colouring neatly!

WEEK 7: P4 Arts and Crafts

Under Water

This week arts and crafts isUnderwater and the animal that we choose is Fish

Here are the outcomes.