Thursday 7 February 2013

K1 -Arts & Crafts

Here is the crafts made by K1 ....and its outcomes.

Pour the colours on the sketch paper
Fold the paper and rub it!
Wow ....I did it!
once reopen here is the outcomes!!!
 So colorful

P4 Arts &Crafts

Insects that did by P4 students is Bee.
The students creatively decorated letter B' and here the outcomes.
Students are drawing alphabet letter 'B'
Cut the letter 'B'
Letter 'B'
Cut out the wings and shapes to deco.
Measuring the size..i guess... 'r' creative outcomes.....BEES!!!!

P3 -Arts & Crafts

The theme for arts this week is Insects...
Primary 3 did painting for the butterfly.But couldn't  complete it.
Insyaallah we will continue in the next class.

Insyaallah we will continue in the next class.